Maybe you recognize yourself in this:
- The (work) agenda full of appointments, and besides that, more people and things demanding your attention, all of which are also Very Important.
- You keep going and running every day, because that’s what you’ve learned to do.
- And you don’t want to complain about it because, well… you live in a safe country, have a roof over your head, an income, and loving people around you. What more could you want?
Yourself. You want yourself. You. Your unique, wonderful self. Where is she or he in this picture?
Constantly running. Always serious.
That’s okay too, of course, especially if it makes you feel good. And on some days, it’s just how it is.
But what if…
… you spend 5 minutes every day on something for yourself? Something that brings a smile to your face. Something that might even make you radiate?
… it’s possible to take a moment out of the daily routine and dip your toe into a (figurative) warm bath that makes you genuinely happy again?
… by investing those 5 minutes, you notice a difference in how you see the world, and life might even feel a bit lighter and more enjoyable than before?
Welcome to the ‘5 Minute Magic’ Experience!